
The Social Media Maven

The journey in cultivating WhaChuShae has and will ​always be rooted in the media communications field.

Since 2012; radio broadcasting, journalism, creative ​devolvement and social media management are fields ​that Shae has occupied and excelled in.

Our team is confident that we have the perfect person ​for the job; someone who is passionate about making a ​positive impact. They will bring with them a wealth of ​knowledge and creativity, and will do so in an upbeat ​and friendly manner. Their enthusiasm and enthusiasm ​for the project will be infectious, and Shae will be able ​to think outside the box to come up with creative and ​clever solutions.

Hand-Painted Elegant Muted Watercolor Swashes
Watercolor Organic Splat Shape

Branding Opportunities

are you ​looking to get ​your music out ​there?

paid ​SPONSORSHIPs ​or advertising

If you're looking for an amazing brand deal, you've ​come to the right place! Our team is dedicated to ​working with you to create a unique, creative, and ​successful partnership that will help you reach your ​goals. Contact us today to get started and let's make ​something amazing happen!

**Use email for podcast/panel/ interview bookings**

If you're interested in having your music featured ​on a live video, in a video, or added to playlists, I'd ​love to hear it! Please send us the link to your ​project or song at and we'll ​take a listen and see if we can help you get your ​music heard!

Looking forward to adding your art to the vibe.

Closeup of Packages Being Delivered
Pouch Product Packaging

small business/ ​creators spotlights

We would love to collaborate and have your product or service showcased on ​multiple social media platforms. We're very excited to hear from you and learn ​more about your project or brand. If you would like to send samples, products, or ​gifts, please feel free to do so at the address listed below. We look forward to ​working with you!

4485 Lawrenceville Hwy Nw, Suite 207 #3279

Lilburn, Georgia 30047

Media Kit Available Upon Request