The Social Media Maven
The journey in cultivating WhaChuShae has and will always be rooted in the media communications field.
Since 2012; radio broadcasting, journalism, creative devolvement and social media management are fields that Shae has occupied and excelled in.
Our team is confident that we have the perfect person for the job; someone who is passionate about making a positive impact. They will bring with them a wealth of knowledge and creativity, and will do so in an upbeat and friendly manner. Their enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the project will be infectious, and Shae will be able to think outside the box to come up with creative and clever solutions.
Branding Opportunities
are you looking to get your music out there?
paid SPONSORSHIPs or advertising
If you're looking for an amazing brand deal, you've come to the right place! Our team is dedicated to working with you to create a unique, creative, and successful partnership that will help you reach your goals. Contact us today to get started and let's make something amazing happen!
**Use email for podcast/panel/ interview bookings**
If you're interested in having your music featured on a live video, in a video, or added to playlists, I'd love to hear it! Please send us the link to your project or song at and we'll take a listen and see if we can help you get your music heard!
Looking forward to adding your art to the vibe.
small business/ creators spotlights
We would love to collaborate and have your product or service showcased on multiple social media platforms. We're very excited to hear from you and learn more about your project or brand. If you would like to send samples, products, or gifts, please feel free to do so at the address listed below. We look forward to working with you!
4485 Lawrenceville Hwy Nw, Suite 207 #3279
Lilburn, Georgia 30047
Media Kit Available Upon Request